Workshops | Interviews| Speeches


Looking for a speaker to talk about some of the finer points of Innovation Management? Ever Evolving offers the following topics designed for executive leadership, project managers and business analysts. All of our talks are designed for an hour with discussion time built in to answer any questions participants may have.

Innovation: the New Currency of Business

Businesses are focusing more of their efforts on innovation than ever before. Every year the amount of money they spend on innovations goes up. In 2017, worldwide spending on innovation went up by 3.2% and Amazon alone just spent over $22 BILLION on R&D efforts. However, increasingly more and more of that money is wasted as companies don’t innovate effectively. A McKinsey & Company survey from 2016 showed that only 6% of corporate executiveswere happy with the performance of their R&D efforts.

The presentation will focus on the importance of innovation in the current business landscape. We will look at how the most successful companies are continuously looking for new products and process improvements, the leverage that that approach provides them, some of the common pitfalls that our clients experience while trying to cultivate a culture of Innovation, and some tips and tricks on how to navigate those pitfalls.

Analyzing Innovation Across Business Lines

Corporate graveyards are littered with dead businesses with the best of intentions. Companies that were looking to push the envelope, but their execution didn’t work out. Instances where corporate executives were so enthralled with what their company was trying to do, they chose to zig when they should have zagged.

These false steps are easy enough to see in hindsight. Ford with the Edsel. Microsoft with Vista.

But how do you identify these mistakes early? That’s where great analysts make their money! Through small-scale experimentations, and tracking standard metrics across projects, Business Analysts can determine how likely an effort is to succeed with the public, how implementation is coming along, and how successful the roll out is going.

This presentation will focus on the development of those metrics, and how they can be tracked. We will provide considerations that should be given when developing the metrics, and provide some ideas about how to use those metrics to compare innovations that are internally focused (i.e. process improvements) versus those that are externally focused (i.e. new feature releases).

Becoming Agilely Innovative

For quite some time now, the terms “Agile” and “Innovation” have been the “talk of the town.” Companies are asking “how can we get ahead and stay ahead of our competitors?” Government is asking how can we better serve our communities with reduced budgets?

These questions all too often lead to Agile transformations and innovation contests. But ensuring innovation success is more than just doing things faster or randomly trying new stuff. To really ensure innovation success, an organization must make innovation and proper project management a part of their very being.

This presentation will walk through the methods and techniques required to marry Agile and innovation to the fabric of an organization using some new and some seasoned project management practices. And we will highlight how management can stay engaged and set their organization’s direction, without stifling the creativity of their employees.

Download the one-pager to discover the key messages presented during this presentation.


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