Everyone understands that you need to keep innovating to stay competitive. Yet, according to a survey by  McKinsey & Company, only 6% of Executives are happy with their performance.

If you are struggling with your innovative output, but can’t figure out why. Here is how we can help.

Gap Analysis

It starts with a Gap Analysis, where we compare the current practices that your company employs to what the International Organizations of Standardization (ISO) recommends in its ISO 56000 – Innovation Management standard.

This is done onsite, typically takes between 2 and 3 days to complete and costs $2,500 plus travel expenses.

Outcomes of the Gap Analysis

The outcome of the gap analysis is a detailed report of our findings presented to your corporate leadership. We highlight where you excel, and identify any challenges or considerations that we recommend you consider in your Innovation Management processes.

After the report is delivered, we schedule a follow-up call to discuss the results and answer any questions you may have. The report and follow up call are all covered by the initial $2,500 cost.

Moving Forward

If you feel comfortable addressing the challenges we identify in the gap analysis on your own, you can certainly do that. There is no further obligation.

However, if you need help addressing some of the findings, or you want to speed up the implementation of the program and not deal with the “learning curve” you’ll otherwise have, we offer a variety of packages to provide the support you need.

Typically, those packages include one or more of the following:

  • Training of corporate officials on the foundational requirements for innovation management systems, or what we call the InnoSpecting Framework.
  • Helping identify staff to fill key roles, or help provide criteria to hire where necessary
  • Helping to establish a communication strategy and rewards program to obtain employee buy in
  • Helping to establish how innovations are prioritized and tracked
  • Helping to establish the “Innovation Pulse” meetings where progress on the innovative initiatives are tracked

No matter what set of services is agreed to, our ultimate goal is to coach your team within 12-36 months to run your innovation management program without us. Essentially, we train you and your team to make our team obsolete. We just want to help you get it off the ground.

Contact Us

If you are interested in moving forward with the Gap Analysis or have any other questions that you’d like to get answered, please contact us today.

We look forward to hearing from you.