COVID-19, better known as the Coronavirus, is currently stressing our global business systems. History has shown that when companies are faced with pandemics, they follow one of two paths. They whither away, or they THRIVE!

There are plenty of examples of a company thriving during an economic downturn.

  • Walt Disney, who launched his studio during the Great Depression.
  • Apple, that was rejuvenated by the release of the iPod following the Dot-Com bust.
  • Netflix flourishing during the Great Recession with the advent of the “Netflix and Chill” night.

Positive Signs During a Downtime

We have gone looking for the Reed Hastings, Steve Jobs and Walt Disneys of the Coronavirus era. Here, we will highlight the creative moves that businesses have made and are making to thrive during these challenging times.

Have a Suggestion

Do you have a suggestion for a company that we have overlooked? Email it to us at We would love to set up a time to discuss and provide these masters of business with their day in the sun.