Another question our clients tend to ask, for obvious reasons is…
Why Ever Evolving?

Why would we work with a company like yours? And in our minds, the answer is pretty simple. We’re not your typical services company. We’re not the normal consulting firm looking to hang out and “generate new work” on your behalf and always be in what you’re doing. We’re not the normal coaching firm that’s trying to create “our environment” for you, so you need our coaching services for the next 25 years. We’re not the normal training company where every training we have created is applicable to your organization. We created a product, a set of services, and a framework that allows us, our experience, and our research to be present without us always being there. And a few prospective clients have thought, “well does that mean we have to pay for this system year after year”? And the answer to that is no! The idea is that you are using our framework as a guide to create your own Innovation Management System, something specific to your organization, something that you guys can call your own.
What’s in it for Ever Evolving?
First and foremost, we are excited about innovation. But we also understand the importance of good lightweight management. Thus we created a company focused on Innovation Management. Second, it’s about innovation and you can’t have innovation if you aren’t creating value. We strive to find ways to create the highest amounts of value for clients. We aren’t looking to get paid if we can’t help you create perpetual and consistent value. That might seem counterintuitive to the way many businesses typically operate. AND THAT’S BECAUSE IT IS! We’re not out here to keep our hand in your pocket. We are here finding innovative ways to provide value for everyone we engage with.

And how do we do that?
That really comes from our experience in consulting, our experience in government, our experience in supply chain, our experience in financial services, our research, and the FACT that we’ve seen it and we’ve been there. We’ve done it and we have witnessed some of the most innovative things for organizations and we helped them implement those innovations. We’ve helped facilitate and lead innovation brainstorming sessions, we have supported clients with innovation portfolio prioritization and helped to prove out what the most valuable innovations could be. It is this reason that we have gotten involved with the International Association of Innovation Professionals (IAOIP). It is the reason we are providing our insights and expertise into the process of creating the new ISO56000 series of standards on Innovation Management.

Why is that important?
All of these lessons learned, and experiences have been rolled into our InnoSpecting Framework. And when you decide to work with us, the first step is to coach you through the ins and the outs of our framework. We are acutely aware that it doesn’t take people long, in general, to learn how to do something but it does take a while to master it. So we come on-site to help you to instill and adapt our framework to put YOUR innovation systems in place and to make your innovation management system repeatable. We help you make it something that you actually own and can use on an everyday basis. And then we step back. We provide continuing guidance and best practice but we let you go through the process of building it out and creating it and growing it and making it your own. And we are their providing support in the background, not right there in your face but helping to center on the path to success, to answer questions, and to help break down barriers that you’re running into. Because normally at that point, clients have felt that they don’t need us to be there, to sit in their face and tell them whether they are doing it right or doing it wrong. What they have needed is time to experiment, make incremental improvements to the system that has been built, and learn how to constantly generate and select the ideas that are best for them. They look to us for advice around innovating, experimenting, figuring out what works, what doesn’t. They flex and work the needed muscles to move quickly and pivot (if needed) and really hone in on the things that have the highest potential for value.

And that’s the kind of system we help immediately instill the moment we walk through your door. So you can find that kind of value, right when we leave after the first week, you should have something to be able to start putting into place. By the third week, you will have an actual roadmap on how to implement our entire solution. It’s crazy. But you want to know what is crazier? Companies thinking that Innovation Management isn’t a top priority. With the speed of market change, Innovation Management is more important than ever. If you agree or just want some more information, reach out to us!
You can reach Ever Evolving Inc at